wakeha@rcn.com | 26 Crescent Street Wakefield, MA 01880 | 781-245-7328

Board & Meetings

Board of Commissioners

Sarah Fowler Chairman April 2027 781-234-4629 sarahfowlerha@gmail.com
Joseph Dorney Vice Chairman June 2027 781-727-1717 jdorney.59@gmail.com
Charles Geier Treasurer April 2026 781-850-5627 chuckgeier@comcast.net
Maureen Hickey Executive Director 781-245-7328 mhickey@wakefieldhousing.org
Karen Dejoie Member April 2029 781-245-5079 khdejoie@hotmail.com
Catherine Fleurant Tenant Appointed Board Seat April 2025 781-621-3260 maid571978@gmail.com

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Crystal View Apartments Community Room 101 Broadway. Our meetings can be accessed remotely from your computer, tablet or smartphone at https://meet.goto.com/178093621. You can also dial in using your phone.

United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
Access Code: 178-093-621

Harts Hill Garden
Hart's Hill Garden